James R. Hinkle - Advanced Dental Excellence James R. Hinkle - Advanced Dental Excellence Services Financial Options Meet the Doctor Before & After

2229 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 521-3344

Saturday, August 12, 2006
Sensitive Teeth

Sudden, sharp, brief pain in teeth in response to a stimulus is termed hypersensitivity. Hypersensitivity has been reported in as much as half of the population in some studies. The stimulus can be due to touch (toothbrush, floss, or tooth cleaning), changes in temperature, sweets, or biting forces. What is the cause and how can it be stopped?

There are many different causes of sensitivity: recession of the gums exposing root surfaces; abrasion of enamel due to use of a stiff tooth brush or using dental instruments at home; erosion of enamel caused by acidic food or drinks, bulimia, or gastrointestinal reflux; clenching or grinding the teeth; cracked teeth or fillings; or even plain old decay.

The first step is to determine the cause so the appropriate treatment can be matched to the cause of the discomfort. Acidic erosion, for example, can be approached by controlling the causative factors--diet or reflux--to stop the acid attack. Then your dentist may further seal the exposed area or replace lost enamel with filling materials to protect the pulp. In some cases a simple over the counter toothpaste for sensitive teeth may be effective. However, this would not help at all with a cracked tooth where delay in seeking treatment may result in the need for a root canal or even the loss of the tooth if it splits. A full coverage crown would be needed to prevent propagation of the crack in this case.

A visit to the dentist to sort out the possible cause is the best way to get to the bottom of the problem. You can help your dentist determine the correct cause by paying attention to what causes the pain, how long it lasts, and how it may have changed over time. The more accurately you can describe symptoms to your dentist the better your dentist will be able to determine the proper action to help relieve your discomfort.

Dr. James Hinkle II DDS MAGD
Advanced Dental Excellence
Conveniently located in Alameda - (510) 521-3344


James R. Hinkle II

"Advances in modern dentistry have the potential of significantly improving our health and fitness and ultimately our quality of life. One of the best decisions you can make is to decide to be well informed about your options for dental treatment."


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